2013-2014 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT - page 53

honors in science and technology in China. Prof Shihe
Yang (Chemistry) was recognized for work related
to nanomaterials.
Two academics also gained honors at the highest
na t i ona l l eve l i n t he 2013 H i ghe r Educ a t i on
Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards
(Science and Technology), presented by the Ministry
of Education. Prof Charles Ng (Civil and Environmental
Engineering) received a First Class award in Scientific
and Technological Progress, and post-doctoral fellow
Dr Tian Fang (Computer Science and Engineering)
received a Second Class award in Natural Science.
Prof Ching W Tang, IAS Bank of East Asia Professor
and a world-leading physical chemist, known as the
“Father of OLED”, was awarded the 2013 Eduard
Rhein Foundation’s Technology Award and the Optical
Society’s Nick Holonyak Jr Award in 2014.
Stephen Kam Chuen Cheong Professor of Science
Prof Benzhong Tang (Chemistry) was hailed for his
work when he received the Khwarizmi International
Award (Second Class) from the Iranian Organization
for Science and Technology. He was the only Chinese
scholar among the five overseas awardees.
To foster excellence and show the Universit y’s
appreciation of the outstanding work of its faculty,
a number of HKUST honors were awarded over
the year.
Prof Jimmy Fung (Mathematics and Division of
Environment) received the Michael G Gale Medal
for Distinguished Teaching for his dedication as an
educator over the years. In further acknowledgement
of the University’s inspiring approach to education, the
Common Core Course Excellence Award was won by
a team from the Department of Information Systems,
Business Statistics and Operations Management for
their “Technology and Innovation: Social and Business
Perspectives” course. Individual Schools also recognized
their academics’ research and teaching achievements.
Three new Named Professorships, namely Elman Family
Professorship in Business, Michael Jebsen Professorship
in Business, and Sin Wai Kin Professorship in Chinese
Culture, were established through generous community
donations to enable the University to recognize
eminence in the areas of business and Chinese culture
and to recruit and retain world-leading academics. Such
academics take the University forward in achievement,
profile and ability in today’s highly competitive
environment of global tertiary education as well as
attract young high-achieving students and faculty.
HKUST now has a total of 28 Named Professorships
covering the University’s major academic focuses.
HKUST 2013-2014 Annual Report
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