Ms Samantha Wing Man Kong, Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, and Ms Phoebe
Lam, School of Science, received the Top 10
Outstanding Youth Award under the 2013-14
Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme,
organized by the Home Affairs Bureau and the
Commission on Youth. Samantha also received the
Social Service Award.
I ndu s t r i a l Eng i ne e r i ng and L og i s t i c s
Management undergraduates Mr Chun Hei
Chan, Mr Kin Lok Cheung, Mr Ming Him Chui
and Mr Ting Kwan Tsui, won the championship
at the HKIE-MI Student Project Competition
Undergraduates Mr Junhong Cao, Mr
L i ngou Deng and Mr X i ongq i Zhang ,
Computer Science and Engineering, won the
championship at the ACM-HK Programming
Contest 2013.
Students and Researchers
PhD candidates Mr Cheng Long, Computer
Science and Engineering, and Mr Chi Yan Tso,
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, gained
Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar
Awards 2014-2015. Mr Tso also received a Sir
Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship 2013-14.
MPhil graduate Mr Tao
Wang , El e c t ron i c and
Computer Engineering,
won the Youth Technology
Achievement Award and
First Class Award in the
Technology Development
Ca tego r y a t the 2013
Shenzhen Science and
Technology Awards.
A HKUST MBA team comprising
Ms Lauren Bonds, Ms Claudia-
Catharina Hase, Mr Sashank Lanka,
Mr Hiraku Tsuzuki and Mr Shane
Xiong came first in the Marshall
Global Consulting Chall enge,
organized by the University of
Southern California.
A t e am o f H K U S T B u s i n e s s S c h o o l
students won the Championship in the Citi
International Case Competition 2013.
A team of HKUST students gained the Gold
Medal Award, Division Regional Champion
and Best Wikipage Design Award in the
International Genetically Engineered Machine
Competition (iGEM).
awards and recognitions