2013-2014 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT - page 67

Prof Benzhong Tang, Department of Chemistry,
received a Khwarizmi International Award (KIA),
Second Class, from the Iranian Organization
for Science and Technology.
Prof Che Ting Chan, Department of Physics and
Prof Mingjie Zhang, Division of Life Science, were
awarded a total of around HK$100 million for
two research projects under the University Grants
Committee’s Areas of Excellence Scheme. The
studies are focused on “Novel Wave Functional
Materials for Manipulating Light and Sound” and
“Mechanistic Basis of Synaptic Development,
Signaling and Neuro-disorders” respectively.
P r o f X u h u i H u a n g ,
Department of Chemistry,
received the ACS OpenEye
Outstanding Junior Faculty
Aw a r d 2 0 14 f r o m t h e
American Chemical Society.
P r o f Benzhong Tang , Depa r tmen t o f
Chemistry, Prof Tianshou Zhao, Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
and Dr Jacky Lam, Department of Chemistry,
were selected as the World’s Most Influential
Scientific Minds and Highly Cited Researchers,
both by Thomson Reuters.
P r o f V l a d imi r Ch i g r i no v,
Department of Electronic and
Computer Engineering, won
a Gold Medal and the Best
Award in the Invention &
Innovation Awards 2014 and
a Silver Medal at the Creation,
I nnovation, Technology &
Research Exposition (Citrex)
P r o f J un S h a n g Ku a n g ,
Depar tment of Ci v il and
Environmental Engineering,
was awarded the Telford
P r e m i u m 2 0 14 b y T h e
Institution of Civil Engineers.
P r o f Yap i ng Gong and P r o f L a r r y Fa r h ,
Department of Management, won a 2013 Citation
of Excellence Award from Emerald Management
HKUST 2013-2014 Annual Report
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