2013-2014 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT - page 76

calendar of events 2013-14
• HKUST research projects in photonic and phononic
advanced materials and signaling mechanisms in
neuro-disorders were awarded close to HK$100
million in total by the University Grants Committee
under its Areas of Excellence Scheme.
• Faculty members of the Division of Life Science
played major organizational roles in two Gordon
Research Conferences on Marine Molecular Ecology
and Posttranslational Modification Networks.
• The William Mong Institute of Nano Science and
Technology launched a year-long nano seminar
series, involving researchers in Hong Kong,
Mainland China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Spain.
• The Depa r tment of Phy s i c s o rgan ized t he
HKUST IAS Program on Statistical Physics and
Computational Neuroscience.
• Prof Xiangrong Wang, Department of Physics,
chaired the organizing committee of the Gordon
Research Conference on Spin Dynamic s in
Nanostructures, held at HKUST.
• The School of Engineering hosted the Tsinghua-
HKUST Programming Contest 2013, helping
to foster students’ creativity, teamwork, and
innovation and to promote cultural exchange.
• Prof Tony F Chan was reappointed President of the
University for another term by the HKUST Council.
The new term runs until 2019.
• HKUST held the opening ceremony of the Lee
Shau Kee Campus and Lee Shau Kee Business
Building, marking a milestone in the University’s
• The University held its first specially named HKUST
IdeasLab at the Annual Meeting of the New
Champions of the World Economic Forum, also
known as the “Summer Davos”, in Dalian. Four
senior professors from HKUST shared insights on
brain research and aging at the IdeasLab.
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