Prof Jimmy Fung, Department
of Mathematics and Division
of Environment, received
the Michael G Gale Medal
for Distinguished Teaching
Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais, Depar tment of
Finance, Prof Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Department
of Marketing, Prof Yongsuk Kim, Department of
Information Systems, Business Statistics & Operations
Management, Prof Elizabeth George, Department
of Management, Prof Ralf van der Lans, Department
of Marketing, and Prof Kai Lung Hui, Department of
Information Systems, Business Statistics & Operations
Management were awarded the Franklin Prize for
Teaching Excellence. The Department of Marketing
won the departmental award.
A team comprising Mr Ali Ahmer
Asif, Mr Mohammed Danish,
Mr Nadir Hoshi and Mr Ka Wai
Tsoi, Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, won the HKUST
President’s Cup.
Mr Green Wing Sum Lam, Department of Physics
and President of the HKUST Students’ Union
2012-13, was awarded the Stephen Cheong
Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to
the Student Body.
Prof Yongsuk Kim, Prof Jeevan Jaisingh, Prof
Sejoon Hong and Mr Himson Wu, Department
of Information Systems, Business Statistics and
Operations Management, won the HKUST
Common Core Course Excellence Award 2013
for the course “Technology and Innovation:
Social and Business Perspectives”.
Year 2 Physics student Mr
Ho-tat Lam won the 2014 Mr
Armin & Mrs Lillian Kitchell
Undergraduate Research
HKUST 2013-2014 Annual Report
HKUST Medals