Prof Guochen Jia, Department
of Chemistry, received the 2013
Ya o Z e n g H u a n g Aw a r d i n
Organometallic Chemistry from the
Chinese Chemical Society.
Prof Kei May Lau, Department
of Electronic and Computer
Engineering, won the JSAP
Out s t anding Paper Award
organized by The Japan Society
of Applied Physics.
Prof Wenkai He, Division of Social Science,
co-won the 2014 Barrington Moore Book
Award, an annual honor awarded to the
best book in the area of comparative
and historical sociology by the American
Sociological Association.
Prof Wouter Stam, Department of
Management, received the Karen
Legge Prize awarded by the
of Management Studies
Prof Qian Zhang, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering,
received a First Class Award in
Natural Sciences for Research
Excellence from Hubei Province.
Prof Melody Chao, Department of
Management, received the 2013
Michael Harris Bond Award for
Early Research Contributions from
the Asian Association of Social
Psychology, and the International
Academy of Intercultural Research
Early Career Award.
Prof Matthew McKay, Department
o f E l e c t r on i c and Compu t e r
Engineering, received the 8th Asia-
Pacific Young Researcher Award
from the IEEE Communications
awards and recognitions