Objects, Statement of Vision 科大的使命,科大的理念 | 4-5 |
Contents 目錄 | 6-7 |
Chairman's Forward 校董會主席前言 | 8-9 |
President's Report 校長報告 | 10-11 |
Teaching and Learning 教與學 | 14-15 |
Schools and Institutes 學院及研究所 | 24-25 |
School of Science 理學院 | 26-27 |
School of Engineering 工學院 | 30-31 |
School of Business and Management 工商管理學院 | 34-35 |
School of Humanities and Social Science 人文社會科學學院 | 38-39 |
HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School 香港科技大學霍英東研究院 | 42-43 |
Interdisciplinary Program Office 跨學科課程事務處 | 44-45 |
Institute for Advanced Study 高等研究院 | 46-47 |
HKUST Shenzhen Institute 香港科技大學深圳研究院 | 48-49 |
Research and Development 研究與發展 | 50-51 |
Campus Development 校園發展 | 58-59 |
Local Support 本地夥伴 | 60-61 |
Mainland Backing 內地夥伴 | 64-65 |
Global Network 全球網絡 | 66-67 |
People and Prizes 人才與獎項 | 70-71 |
Appointments and Governance 任命及管治 | 86-87 |
Calendar of Events 大事紀要 | 88-89 |
Facts and Figures 資料一覽 | 106-107 |
Appendix 附錄 | 110-111 |