普立茲獎的著名作家湯馬斯 佛利民蒞臨主講首場講座,
n yearly terms, I have just completed my first leg as the
third torch-bearer-in-chief of this great University. As
expected, Team HKUST did not disappoint. Although we
have never set out consciously to pursue rankings, the
rankings have faithfully followed our continued pursuit
of excellence. One faculty member after another has
been proudly flying our flag by scoring one academic
achievement after another. Our Molecular Neuroscience
Laboratory, for example, has been designated a State Key
Lab, the first HKUST lab to be so honored.
Academically, we never cease to innovate and adapt to
the changing needs of a fast-changing world. During
the past year, two new divisions have come into being:
the Division of Environment and the Division of Life
Science. The former is an interdisciplinary unit that
zeroes in on the earth’s pressing problems. Its birth was
officially validated by an inaugural lecture by the three-
time Pulitzer Prize winner and renowned author, Thomas
Friedman. The latter Division, focusing on teaching and
research in the integrated disciplines of life sciences, was
also officially sanctioned by the Senate, the supreme
academic body of the University.
If you have been away from HKUST for a few years,
another visible difference will not escape you: our
campus has a more international face in terms of student
composition. In fact, by the time this Report is available,
about 16% and growing, of our student intake will be
non-local, split almost evenly between Mainland and
overseas students. This is a function not only of strategic
recruitment drives, but also of our growing international
reputation. Internationalization is a key part of our
concerted effort to prepare our students to become
global leaders and citizens.
Our University is energized by the challenges and
oppor tun i t i es of a l engthened unde rgr adua t e
education under the 3-3-4 reform. A broad-based core
curriculum has been hammered out by our visionary
academic leaders, giving students a solid foundation
for further learning. Two out of our three schools with
President’s Report
undergraduate programs have started to implement
our School-based Admission scheme, which supersedes
admission to specific programs, giving students more
time to make intelligent individual choices, while
broadening their horizons.
By necessity, we are building a bigger campus, the
construction of which is by-and-large on schedule.
The library extension is nearing completion while the
construction of the Lee Shau Kee Campus is well
underway. The building of Halls Eight and Nine will begin
in early October 2010, while joint off-campus hostels,
in Tseung Kwan O and Ma On Shan, are also underway.
Quantitatively and qualitatively, the hardware is intended
to match the software in the anticipated expanded
undergraduate education.
It is an open secret that local universities are battling to
draw stellar talent to meet their growing needs. HKUST
alone needs an extra 100 faculty members by 2012. This
fight to win over exceptional scholars will be fierce, but
we have been very lucky, so far, in attracting eminent
academics to enhance our senior management team.
In Prof Wei Shyy, we have a Provost with a proud and
peerless record. Likewise, our new Vice-President for
Research and Graduate Studies, Prof Joseph Lee, is a
distinguished scholar with a wealth of administrative
experience. Dr Eden Woon, freshly appointed to the
newly-created post of Vice-President for Institutional
Advancement, commands enormous respect as a
heavyweight in international relations, public policies,
business development and corporate affairs. By early
January next year, our senior management team will be
complete with the arrival of Prof Henry Tye, who will join
us as Director of the Institute for Advanced Study. This is
a high-caliber team prepared to lead and ready to serve.
Our role is embedded in Hong Kong’s hi-tech dreams.
But our destiny will likely be played out on the bigger
stage of the Mainland. Any talk of our future would
be incomplete without a clear-eyed and far-reaching
Mainland strategy. Already on the horizon is our