2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
UROP Development (2004-05 to 2013-14)
With the non-local undergraduate intake now reaching
20% of the total, the University has further broadened
recruitment. HKUST representatives attended education
fairs and held information sessions in a wide range of
countries, targeting Mainland China, India, Malaysia,
Indonesia, France, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, the
United Kingdom, Scandinavia, and others. In addition,
admission interviews were held in the United Kingdom,
Taiwan and Mainland China with a positive response
from prospective students in each location and around
1,350 attending interviews in total.
Gender diversity is another priority. In partnership
with the Women’s Foundation and ANZ, the University
has established Women in Science and Engineering
(WISE) Scholarships to encourage first and second-
year female undergraduates at HKUST to pursue
science and engineering degrees. Together with the
Women Faculty Association, HKUST ran the second
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program
in July 2013. Over 90 senior-secondary students
took part.
Four-Year Degree Making Good Progress
In 2013-14, the first cohort of four-year students under
Hong Kong’s new undergraduate degree system
completed Year 2. In designing the new curriculum,
a high-quality Undergraduate Common Core was
a critical goal, including studies across sciences,
technologies, social analysis, arts and humanities, and
courses to enhance English and Chinese language skills
and quantitative reasoning. In their first and second
years, students build the foundation necessary to
pursue specialist major programs. Schools used the
experience gained over the past two years to review
their foundation courses to ensure they were well
aligned with students’ academic preparation on entry.
To help students make their choice of major, Schools
have built up their capability to provide academic
advising and mentoring. Faculty advisors form the core
of these operations, while senior students serve as
peer advisors. Professional advising and counseling are
also provided.