2013-2014 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT - page 16

Increasing diversity among the student population, on-going advances
with the four-year degree system and a leading role in the global
move to provide Massive Open Online Courses have made 2013-14 a
fruitful year
Attracting High Caliber Students
HKUST has continued to recruit top students to its undergraduate and postgraduate programs and
to diversify the campus population, with a growing number of scholarships playing an important
part. In the year under review, 1,637 undergraduate students received scholarships, amounting
to $50.34 million, an increase of 49.5% over five years. Awards included prestigious, tertiary-
wide competitive schemes. Eight of the University’s students received Innovation and Technology
Scholarships, almost 30% of the total number of awards across Hong Kong, while four were
awarded HKSAR Targeted Scholarships, 40% of the total.
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