• HKUST held the second
inauguration ceremony for its
Named Professorship Program to
honor four outstanding faculty
members and their donors.
• The University received a
generous donation from the
Paul and Eileen Lin Endowment
Trust to support students’
participation in service learning
• Student Innovation for Global
Health Technology (SIGHT),
a hands-on undergraduate
platform to generate innovative
solutions to international
healthcare problems, and the
School of Engineering co-
organized a workshop for
local high school stu dents
on enhancing health through
sustainable technology and the
community service spirit.
• The Second Science Toy Design
Competition was launched
at HKUST together with NSI
International Inc, a leading
designer and manufacturer of
educational toys in the US.
• The Student Chapter of the
Association for Computing
Machinery and the Student
Chapter for Women Students
were founded at HKUST.
• The Department of Physics
organized the Gordon Research
Conference on String Theory &
Cosmology: New Ideas Meet
New Experimental Data.
• The University conferred
Honorary Fellowships on four
distinguished leaders.
• The School of Business and
Management and Global Alliance
in Management Education,
previously CEMS, held the
first corporate benchmarking
conference in Asia.
• The Department of Computer
Science and Engineering co-
organized Google Tech Summer
Camp 2015 with Google China
• Two
Conferences were arranged
by the Department of Physics
on Particle Physics: Prospects
of Particle Physics at the 13TeV
Large Hadron Collider and
Topological & Correlated Matter:
Advances in Topological Phases
of Matter in Crystalline Solids and
Cold Atom Systems respectively.
• The HKUST 2015 One
Million Dollar Entrepreneurship
Competition saw more than 100
teams participate in the event.