2014-2015 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT - page 6

HKUST 2014-2015
Annual Report
outcomes of such endeavors for the wider community
were recognized internationally through HKUST’s position
at No.16 in the widely cited Global Employability University
Ranking in 2014.
The further definition of the University’s intrinsic philosophy
through the development of a set of core values in
consultation with the HKUST community was another
milestone. In the highly competitive world-class
tertiary segment, of which the University is a member,
this significant move will help HKUST build a unique
identity. Such a “call sign” will enable it to stand out
not only for academic achievements but principles
and culture. It will give the University the bedrock for
on-going long-term sustainability as an institution and as
an influential contributor to social advancement at home
and  beyond.
Such steps forward will consolidate and deepen the
already remarkable renown that HKUST enjoys since its
establishment just 24 years ago and will draw the eyes of
the world to our city in myriad positive ways.
In 2014-15, higher education in Hong Kong added to its
international presence and standing, with HKUST making
notable contributions through innovative education and
research, and the resulting quality of its graduates.
At the root of innovation lies exploration across frontiers
and into previously unknown realms of knowledge, which
are then developed and applied to bring advances to society
as a whole. That HKUST remains at the forefront of such
enterprise was demonstrated by the outstanding results
across its Schools in the University Grants Committee’s
stringent Research Assessment Exercise 2014, assessed by
panels comprising over 300 scholars from around the world,
where we attained the highest proportion of internationally
excellent research work, at 70%.
This is certainly good news for Hong Kong as it strives to
embed its global profile as an innovation hub. Meanwhile,
HKUST’s new world-leading research areas of focus,
determined over the year in line with the University’s evolving
strengths and international advances, will help to maintain
this cutting-edge distinction in the years ahead. The positive
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