The Court
Over 35 members from the Court and 10 others from the Council were
present at the annual meeting of the Court, and the interest shown by
members of the University’s highest advisory body was encouraging.
The year under review saw 12 new members commissioned, while a
number of those retiring became Honorary Court Members.
The Council
2012-13 was essentially a year of transition and adjustment for all
local universities as the city-wide higher education reform ushered
in a four-year degree curriculum, running in parallel with the last
cohort of students undertaking the three-year program. As the
highest governing body of the University, the Council was pleased to
see that, with all the preparations made under its overview, HKUST
proved capable of rising above this formidable challenge. Seven non-
executive members joined the Council during the year. All have taken
up roles on committees accountable to the Council. Several retiring
members have joined the Court to continue serving the University in a
different capacity.
The University Ordinance and
Statutes provide for a number of
bodies to govern or advise the
University. Three major bodies
in the University’s governance
structure are the Court, Council
and Senate