HKUST (Guangzhou)

To implement true and effective integration across the two campuses, a “ Unified HKUST , Complementary Campuses ” framework will be adopted. All central research facilities, research institutes and academic programs on each campus will be made available to members of the other campus. The enterprising structure will also streamline and coordinate administrative and academic activities and processes by cross-leveraging shared services through system-wide offices spanning both HKUST and HKUST(GZ). In line with HKUST’s best-in-class operations, this unified and integrated system will ensure comparable quality levels at HKUST(GZ) as well as management practices that adhere to international standards in all the basic and essential infrastructure support such as information technology and health and safety. Institutional charters, rules and policies will also be established for the new campus. HKUST remains responsible for developing and maintaining academic programs at the same standards as required by the HKUST Senate. HARMONIZING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Unified HKUST , Complementary Campuses

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