A Glance at HKUST 2019-2020
230 580 studied at 172 partner institutions in 28 countries 獲安排於 172 家夥伴院校交流,足跡遍及 28 個國家 3 , 340 of financial aid offered to 212 students 212 位同學獲發放合共 $640萬 援助金 $6 . 4m 890 $19 . 4m $75 . 3m University scholarships for academic merits and talents 頒發獎學金予成績及才華卓越的學生, 培育明日棟樑 $95m for UG and PG students (+9% YoY) 本科生及研究生獲取獎學金近 $9,500萬 (按年+9%) students 位同學 students joined the government’s STEM Internship Scheme to gain industry experience 位同學透過特區政府「創科實習計劃」及早體驗創科行業的工作 participants engaged in Entrepreneurship Centre seminars and workshops (+6% YoY) 學生參與科大創業中心主辦的講座及工作坊 (按年+6%) alumni referred 250+ jobs and internships to 560+ students via HKUST United Program 位校友透過「科大‧同心」就業計劃,轉介 250+ 個工作及實習機會予 560+ 位同學 UG 本科生 PG 研究生 *as of Oct 2019 2019年10月資料 # according to UGC data report 2019-20 教資會 2019-20報告 1 , 343 21% 439 7% 4 , 576 72% Rest of the world 世界其他地方 Other Places In Asia 亞洲其他地方 Mainland China 中國內地 25% non-local students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels* (+6% YoY) 非本地 本科生及研究生* (增長6%) non-local student enrolments , highest among UGC-funded institutions # 非本地學 生百分率高達 25% ,冠絕教資會院校 # 6 , 358 A diverse campus environment consisting of 科大社群兼容並蓄,彰顯多元化特色 Broadening students’ horizons with exchange opportunities 安排交流機會, 擴展學生視野 Helping students with financial burden 提供財政支援 , 助同學渡難關 Giving students a head start on their careers 爭取實習機會, 提供就業先機 Central & South America 中南美 Europe 歐洲 Hong Kong 香港 Australia & New Zealand 澳洲及新西蘭 Other Places In Asia 亞洲其他地方 Mainland China 中國內地 Africa 非洲 North America 北美 Diversified faculty with 74%+ from places outside Hong Kong 科大廣納各地學者,74%+ 教員來自香港以外地方 * as of June 30, 2020 截至2020年6月30日 118 . 75 16 . 65% 62 . 92 8 . 82% 1 0 . 14% 66 . 41 9 . 31% 3 0 . 42% 259 . 52 36 . 38% 187 . 72 26 . 32% 14 1 . 96% Full-time Equivalent 全職人員 * 1 : 2 . 96 Women’s faculty appointments grew with female to male ratio improved from 1:3.11 to 女性教員人數上升,女教員與男教員比例從1 : 3.11增至 LEARNING JOURNEY DIVERSE AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY 求學之旅 人才薈萃
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