A Glance at HKUST 2019-2020
$1.1b (+32% YoY) of external funding for 1,469 projects covering Sustainability, Life Science, AI, Robotics, and Public Policy, among others, with $197.6m (+16% YoY) coming from Research Grants Committee. 科大在年內合共取得 $11億 (按年+32%) 校外撥款,共 1,469 個項目獲得資助,涵蓋可持續發展、生命科學、人工智能、機械 人科技及公共政策等範疇,當中 $1.976億(按年+16% ) 來自香港研究資助局。 Citations per Faculty Score in QSWorld University Ranking 2021 《2021 QS世界大學排名》學院論文引徵次數得分 from services of 218 contract research cases 218 份研究服務合約總值 $1.008億 Overall licensing income came to $8.9m with IP licensing worth $6.3m 整體授權收入 $890萬 ,當中 $630萬 為知識產權授權收入 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) licensing worth $2.6m 大規模開放在線課程 (MOOCs) 授權收入 $260萬 from 369 consultancy projects including analytical & testing services 369 個顧問項目 (包括分析及測試服務) 總值 $600萬 $100 . 8m $6m Funding programs offered to aspiring entrepreneurs nurturing start-up businesses: 提供資助計劃,扶持有志者創業 229 $50m $5m $2 . 4m start-ups at HKSTP founded by HKUST members, participation rate among the highest in the local higher education sector 科大成員於香港科技園成立47家初創企業, 參與率為本地高等教育學府中最高之一 start-ups & spin-off companies incubated by HKUST +14% YoY 育成229家初創及分拆公司, 按年+14% Entrepreneurship Fund (E-Fund) $5,000萬科大創業基金 https://e-fund.hkust.edu.hk/ Bridge Gap Fund $500萬科研實踐基金 https://ttc.ust.hk/ Entrepreneurship Center Funds $240萬科大創業中心各項資助 Research excellence manifested in the high frequency of being cited among academia 引文次數名列前茅, 彰顯卓越科研成就 inventions disclosed 項公開發明 cumulative active granted patent applications 項累計在效專利申請及授權 147 874 We transfer knowledge and technology to industry 轉移知識, 與業界共享科技成果 Our research capabilities boosted by securing 多項撥款提升科研能力 We contribute our expertise to society; the returns generated will be used to support university development 以專長貢獻社會, 收入助大學持續發展 Nurturing entrepreneurial talent and new ideas 培育創業人才, 激發嶄新思維 Citations per Paper Score in QS Asia University Rankings 2021 《2021 QS亞洲大學排名》論文引徵次數得分 亞洲#1 香港#1 大中華區#2 # # # in Asia in Hong Kong in Greater China 1 1 2 RESEARCH POWER 科研實力 47 $1 . 1b (+32% YoY) external funding 校外撥款 1 , 469 projects 研究項目
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