A Glance at HKUST 2019-2020
masks 口罩 masks 口罩 463 , 000 driverless vehicles 無人駕駛汽車 Protecting the city with non-toxic sanitizer killing 99.9% of bacteria and viruses with 90 days of effectiveness 在全港多處噴灑不含毒性、可殺滅99.9%細菌及病毒的消毒塗層,有效期長 達 90日,保障市民健康 hospitals, universities, elderly homes and public facilities, etc. 醫院、大學、長者院舍及公共設施等 14 , 900+ FIGHTING COVID-19 攜手抗疫 HKUST races against time to fight the global challenge with innovation and technology 科大分秒必爭, 以創新發明及科技抵禦全球危機 Distributed to students and staff during critical shortage in market 在市場供應短缺之際及時向學生及教職員派發口罩 hand sanitizers 搓手液 Sharing anti-pandemic supplies with the wider community 與市民及香港不同社群分享抗疫物資 7 , 800+ 5 , 000+ students took part in 81 online programs 學生參與81個網上項目 Online career consultation preparing students for the challenging job market 網上就業諮詢支援同學應對求職挑戰 3 , 000 students participated in 學生受聘於 start-ups 初創企業 HKUST Internship Network (iNet) providing virtual start-up internship opportunities for students iNet網上平台為同學提供在初創企業網上實習的機會 900 40 HKUST community cares for students and society 關愛師生, 惠澤社群 Delivering food and supplies in locked-down cities of Mainland China to minimize human contact 在內地各封城區運載糧食與日用品,減少人際接觸 50+ 2020 2021 Portable COVID-19 device to detect virus speedily 快速測試新型冠狀病毒的便 攜式檢測儀面世 40 mins 分鐘快速測試 Detection in Smart Fever ScreeningSystemsdeployed across HK borders and different places to detect fever sufferers in a crowd 於各口岸及不同地點裝設「智能發燒偵測系 統」,在人群中識別有發燒徵狀的人士 16+ border control points, private & public premises 邊境口岸、政府及私人處所 COVIDep (covidep.ust.hk) guiding vaccine development by providing vaccine target recommendations based on analyzed sequences COVIDep (covidep.ust.hk )根據序列分 析結果建議疫苗靶點,推動疫苗研發 analyzed sequences 已分析序列 215 , 105 * students benefitted 名學生受助 56 Student Hardship Relief Fund assisting students and families financially affected by COVID-19 「學生紓困援助金」協助因疫情而出現財政困難的 學生及其家人 $1 . 7m+ A Glance at HKUST 2019-2020 Striding toward its fourth decade, HKUST is embarking on a new road map for innovative approaches to education and researchwith Strategic Plan 2021-2028 (https://strategicplan.hkust. edu.hk/) . Our strategic objectives have been instrumental in guiding the university development and our response to local and global issues despite the many changes and challenges we faced particularly over 2019-2020. Here is a glance at our key achievements and contributions during these unprecedented times. 香港科技大學 2019-2020年度重點成果 科大即將踏入第四個十年,由此誕生的《 策略發展計劃2021-2028》 (https://strategicplan.hkust.edu.hk/)將成為大學未來推動教育與科研創新的發展藍 圖。科大的策略目標一直是大學發展的依據,同時引領大學應對全球及本港的種種挑戰, 正如2019-2020年度充滿變化和困難,我們仍無畏無懼、堅守崗位。以下概述科大過去一 年的主要成就及對社會的貢獻。 Scan the QR code to get HKUST’s latest updates on COVID-19 掃描二維碼了解科大在疫情上的最新資訊 * as of Dec 2020 截至2020年12月
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