HKUST Annual Report 2017-18

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 1 8 65 HKUST EMPLOYMENT (2017) Undergraduates Postgraduates PhD MPhil Taught Master (Except MBA) MBA Employment Situation % % % % % Employed 79.8 70.3 34.5 30.8 98 Further Studies 14.7 2.2 41.1 5.3 1 Returned to Home Country or Emigrated 2.4 26.7 22.3 63.2 0 Others 3.1 0.8 2 0.7 1 Employment Situation by Industry % % % % % Commerce and Business 57.8 7.9 18.2 49 89.7 Engineering and Industry 29 21.8 40 30.5 8 Education 6.5 68.5 34.5 16.2 0 Government and Related Organizations 3.6 1.8 7.3 1.1 0 Community and Social Services 3 0 0 3.1 2.3 Percentages may not add up to 100%, as they are rounded to the nearest percent FACULTY FACULTY MEMBERS (as at Jun 30, 2018) (Full-time Equivalent) ^ School/Area Regular Visiting Total Science 151 19 170 Engineering 198 8 206 Business and Management 136 7 143 Humanities and Social Science* 147 5 152 Interdisciplinary Programs 15 1 16 Total 647 40 687 ^ The above faculty numbers are reported in Full-time Equivalent (FTE) basis to reflect faculty’s service distribution to each school. * The teaching staff of the Centre for Language Education are included following its merger with SHSS on July 1, 2012. RESEARCH NO. OF NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS AND FUNDING (2017-18) Number Funding (in HK$M) UGC 413 82.8 RGC 211 193.3 Others 444 380.9 Total 1,038* 657** * No. of projects does not add up due to projects with multiple sponsors. **Includes R&D projects administrated by R and D Corporation and Mainland platforms. NO. OF PATENTS (2017-18) Filed 244 Granted 143