HKUST Annual Report 2017-18
62 Calendar of Events The Department of Chemistry hosted the 25th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong. Industry experts were invited to the Symposium on Risk Management and Business Intelligence 2018 to share their views on the application and development of risk management and business intelligence in the current era. The University received a donation from the Tin Ka Ping Foundation to enhance HKUST’s work in gifted education for young learners. JAN HKUST scholars talked about the late Prof. Stephen Hawking’s life as a scientist and shared anecdotes of personal encounters in the “Memories of Stephen Hawking” seminar. MAR APR MAR The School of Business and Management and Financial Services Development Council jointly hosted a forum to explore how big data and fintech have changed financial institutions. MAR MAR The University hosted a Women in Innovation Forum on “Challenges vs Chances” to celebrate International Women’s Day. The School of Humanities and Social Science organized a “Three- Dimensional Reading of Dream of the Red Chamber ”, featuring contemporary Chinese literature critic and scholar Prof. LIU Zaifu. FEB 2018