HKUST Annual Report 2016-17

52 HKUST 2016-2017 Annual Report HKUST FOK YING TUNG GRADUATE SCHOOL HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (FYTGS) was established in 2007, and is currently charged to oversee the University’s knowledge transfer endeavors in HKUST’s Mainland platforms located at Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Foshan, namely Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute (FYTRI), the HKUST Shenzhen Research Institute (SRI), HKUST R and D Corporation (Shenzhen) Limited (RDCSZ), and HKUST LED-FPD Technology R&D Center at Foshan (FSC). This mission is realized by technology transfer, industry collaboration, and spin-offs. It operates as an open innovation platform and contributes to the community via technology commercialization. GUANGZHOU HKUST FOK YING TUNG RESEARCH INSTITUTE Technological Advancement Relying on the research, development and educational advantages of HKUST, combined with the development needs of universities, institutions and enterprises in the Pearl River Delta, FYTRI mainly focuses on the research and development of Internet of Things, Advanced Manufacture and Automation, Advanced Materials, and Environment and Sustainable Development. In 2015- 2016, a total of 28 government projects were secured, at a total fund amount of over RMB 39 million. As of 31 December 2016, FYTRI undertook 75 government research projects and the total amount of received funds is RMB 111 million. Boost for Entrepreneurship Following last year’s expansion of the HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing and Macau, the competition has gained broader popularity and renown. In 2017, 945 teams participated in the competition, almost doubled the previous year’s total. The Guangzhou regional competition recorded a significant increase in teams taking part, rising from 158 in 2016 to 264 in 2017. Pace-Setting Supercomputing To promote and expand the use of FYTRI Supercomputing Service Platform by Hong Kong researchers to enhance their research efficiency, FYTRI organized information sessions in 2016-2017. More than 70 accounts were set up for users to access TianHe-2, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, hosted in the National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou. FYTRI won the award for “TianHe’s Best Sub-center” in 2017 for the excellence in Supercomputing Service Platform promotion and service. The University’s Mainland platforms are assisting faculty, students and alumni to expand research, technology commercialization, and entrepreneurship