HKUST Annual Report 2016-17

40 HKUST 2016-2017 Annual Report FURTHERING DIVERSITY The establishment of a DiversAbility Team by the Student Affairs Office improves support for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and broadens services related to diversity, diverse-ability, integration and equal opportunities. Administrative and teaching staff from various offices and departments, as well as students, took part in training sessions and SEN awareness activities. Colleagues undertook a study trip to Taipei to share best practices and exchange ideas. In addition, the Director of Disability Support Service from Rice University in the US was invited to conduct an evaluation of campus accessibility and to offer input on the development of a disability support services office at HKUST. With rising awareness of the availability of SEN support services and a centralized team to provide one-stop service, the number of SEN declaration cases increased and collaborative efforts to support SEN students among offices expanded, with SEN students, other students and staff providing constructive feedback. NURTURING A HIGH- PERFORMANCE CULTURE HKUST aims to nurture a high performance culture that recognizes contributions and accomplishments. To this end, the University embarked on the Non-Academic Staffing Review in June 2016 to optimize the design and development of Job Description, review the desirability and feasibility of a new grading and salary structure, and develop a new Performance and Development Review (PDR) to better support personnel decisions and the professional development of non- academic employees. The review is partly complete. The new PDR will be piloted on a cloud-based electronic platform in September 2017 prior to its actual adoption for the year 2018-19. RECOGNIZING LONG SERVICE AND WELL-BEING HKUST is keen to recognize the dedication of those who devote their careers to the University. In 2016-17, 66 faculty and staff members received Long Service Awards for their loyalty and commitment to the University over the past 20 years. As at 30 June 2017, there were a total of 3,661 members of staff in post. Staff members warmly received the Wellness Program series of health seminars, which are offered on a quarterly basis to enhance work-life balance and form part of the University’s sustainability endeavors. ORGANIZATION AND RESOURCES The University deepened campus integration, nurtured a community spirit, and moved forward on facility expansion over the year