HKUST Annual Report 2016-17

25 Chinese Philosophy, German Thought Prof Eric Nelson (Humanities) completed a book on Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth- Century German Thought (Bloomsbury Press). The work presents a comprehensive portrayal of the reception to and interpretation of Chinese and Buddhist philosophy among German thinkers at the start of the 20th century. It also examines the implications for contemporary issues in comparative and intercultural philosophy, reflecting the growing interest in the possibility of global philosophy. Politics of Privatization China’s economic transformation is looked at in a new light in a book by Prof Yimin Lin (Social Science). Dancing with the Devil: The Political Economy of Privatization in China (Oxford University Press) analyzes how the Communist Party’s concern with regime survival led to the unintended consequence of creeping, and then much larger-scale privatization of state-owned enterprises, developing a dialogue between country-specific explanations and broader theories of institutional change. Informing Targeted Tumor Interventions Prof Jiguang Wang (Life Science and Biomedical Engineering) developed an evolutionary model to study the spatiotemporal genomic architecture in brain tumors. The work demonstrates that evolutionary inference from integrated genomic analysis of multisector biopsies can inform targeted therapeutic interventions for patients with glioblastoma. The findings were published in Nature Genetics . Giving Elderly Easier Way to Bathe Prof Neville Lee (Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management) and two departmental alumni created a “Sit & Shower” automated bathing chair with dual shower and toileting functions. The design allows seniors to bathe safely and comfortably in a sitting position, while full automation makes the chair straightforward to clean and dry and life much easier for caregivers. It is equipped with angled water jets to avoid splashing and an internal thermometer that ensures the water never gets too hot. In addition, the bathing chair can be installed in most existing bathrooms without the need for modifications or removal of existing fittings. An optional shower chair makes getting in and out easy for seniors and the mobility impaired. Research Highlights