HKUST Annual Report 2016-17

$ $ $ 19 The University’s Mainland China platforms attracted a combined total of 34.7 million RMB for 46 research projects from the National Natural Science Foundation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Science and Technology Innovation Committees of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and Nansha Science and Information Technology Bureau, among others. To add to organizational efficiency, the establishment of the Mainland Operations Policy Committee was approved in March 2017 to provide oversight for policies and operations related to the University’s Mainland platforms. The new committee combines the functions of the former Mainland R&D Committee and Administrative Policy Committee. On the collaborative front, HKUST hosted the ASPIRE Forum in July 2016. The five-member ASPIRE group comprises HKUST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nanyang Technological University, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tsinghua University and seeks to encourage research collaboration and student exchange and summer camp opportunities. The theme in 2016 was “Developing Sustainable Urban Environment and Low Carbon Economy”. ENHANCEMENT OF RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE Research institutes, research centers and central research facilities are an important and integral part of the University’s research enterprise. To keep pace with rapid developments in science and technology and the evolving needs of our research infrastructure, the University’s policy – “Policy on the Establishment, Management, Reporting and Review of Research Institutes and Centers” – was reviewed and approved in February 2017. Recommendations include measures to encourage interdisciplinary engagement among faculty and simultaneously maintain an efficient management and effective oversight of research units. The Animal and Plant Care Facility (APCF) also received approval for expansion to meet the increased scope for more animal-related research by science and engineering faculty. The expansion will not only provide a larger and better equipped facility but also establish the HKUST APCF as a world-class facility with accreditation from recognized animal lab certification bodies. More than $ 560 million of research funding received in 2016-17 ” “