It was a time of change and forward-looking initiatives for the School of Business
and Management in 2012-13. The School succeeded in tackling the challenges of
the transition to the four-year undergraduate curriculum and also made significant
advances on several fronts to enhance its status as a global center for excellence in
business education and research.
The School’s degree programs – undergraduate, Master of Business Administration
(MBA), Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – and a wide range of
executive education programs continued at the forefront of education development,
grooming business leaders and researchers in Asia for the world.
The MBA program was ranked No.1 in Asia and No.8 in the world by the
Global MBA Rankings 2013, marking the program’s fourth consecutive year in
the top 10. The Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA (EMBA) program, jointly
offered by Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern
University, was ranked the world’s No.1 by the
Financial Times
Global EMBA Rankings, also the
fourth year in a row.
School of Business
and Management
The School entered a fresh phase of development in 2012-13,
with further diversification of programs, research activities
and geographical reach, and a move to its state-of-the-art home
on campus